Academic Guidance Counsellor

SHS Career and Academic Counsellor: Pamela Hunnisett

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Students at FFCA High School are provided with extensive help in the areas of career and educational development. These services include:

Career Counselling

  • Exploration of values, interests, abilities, and needs
  • Establishing career goals
  • Research and exploration of related occupations
  • Work Experience and Teacher Assistant programs

Educational Counselling

  • Inform students of information and regulations regarding high school diploma and post-secondary requirements
  • Selection of high school courses
  • Program planning
  • Student concerns regarding courses
  • Inquiries regarding course changes
  • Post high school educational planning
  • Displays and speakers from post-secondary institutions

Financial Assistance

  • Scholarship and bursary information
  • Loans and grant information for university and college
  • Ways to finance future schooling

Post-Secondary Information Links

Scholarship Information

  • Alberta Student Aid

  • Alexander Rutherford Scholarships Links

  • Canada Financial Aid                                                                                                                   

    Scholarship Databases

  • Education Matters - Student awards that recognize the accomplishments of students in school and in the community

  • Scholarships Canada - has an extensive scholarship, awards, bursaries and grants database. You can also find information on student loans, applications and budgeting while in school.

  • ATLIA - Atlia is supported by a team of Canadian University students who want to help other students pay for their education and get financial freedom.

  • Student Scholarships -Scholarships & Schools across Canada & Career Information site  

  • Student Life Network: A chance to win scholarships for your passions. Not your grades.  

  • Scholar Tree: Scholarships Made Simple. An excellent site that connects you with scholarships based on your interests and experiences. 

  • Student Awards: Where Canadian students and parents find scholarships to pay for school 

  • Yconic - Complete a profile and this web site will help you identify scholarship opportunities based on your marks and program of choice.

  • Universities Canada - Lists all universities (and degree-offering colleges) in Canada and lists scholarship opportunities.

  • Disability Awards - This website was created to help post-secondary students search hundreds of scholarships available across Canada specifically for students with disabilities. = 

  • ManCap Foundations - The foundation has raised over $1,000,000 to foster entrepreneurship and leadership in Alberta's youth

  • Trades Related Scholarships

  • - Comprehensive listing of universities and colleges in Canada. Also contains scholarship and career information as well as virtual tours of selected schools. 

  • FASTWEB (if going to the US for school) = offers scholarships for the USA and other countries

  • Talk to your parents and/or relatives – they may be members of a club or organization, or their employer may offer awards to family members.

  • Your Employer - see if the company you work for offers scholarships. 

  • Each University or College = Check out the different scholarships and bursaries offered at the colleges/universities you have applied to. Take note of the application deadlines! These vary from school to school. All universities offer entrance scholarships based on your average. Check those out!!!

  • TEMPLATE that forces you to make a copy to organize your own scholarships:

 Organization Template