SHS Career and Academic Counsellor: Pamela Hunnisett

Students at FFCA High School are provided with extensive help in the areas of career and educational development. These services include:
Career Counselling
- Exploration of values, interests, abilities, and needs
- Establishing career goals
- Research and exploration of related occupations
- Work Experience and Teacher Assistant programs
Educational Counselling
- Inform students of information and regulations regarding high school diploma and post-secondary requirements
- Selection of high school courses
- Program planning
- Student concerns regarding courses
- Inquiries regarding course changes
- Post high school educational planning
- Displays and speakers from post-secondary institutions
Financial Assistance
- Scholarship and bursary information
- Loans and grant information for university and college
- Ways to finance future schooling
Post-Secondary Information Links
Scholarship Information
Alberta Student Aid
Alexander Rutherford Scholarships Links
Canada Financial Aid
Scholarship Databases
Education Matters - Student awards that recognize the accomplishments of students in school and in the community
Scholarships Canada - has an extensive scholarship, awards, bursaries and grants database. You can also find information on student loans, applications and budgeting while in school.
ATLIA - Atlia is supported by a team of Canadian University students who want to help other students pay for their education and get financial freedom.
Student Scholarships -Scholarships & Schools across Canada & Career Information site
Student Life Network: A chance to win scholarships for your passions. Not your grades.
Scholar Tree: Scholarships Made Simple. An excellent site that connects you with scholarships based on your interests and experiences.
Student Awards: Where Canadian students and parents find scholarships to pay for school
Yconic - Complete a profile and this web site will help you identify scholarship opportunities based on your marks and program of choice.
Universities Canada - Lists all universities (and degree-offering colleges) in Canada and lists scholarship opportunities.
Disability Awards - This website was created to help post-secondary students search hundreds of scholarships available across Canada specifically for students with disabilities. =
ManCap Foundations - The foundation has raised over $1,000,000 to foster entrepreneurship and leadership in Alberta's youth
Trades Related Scholarships
- - Comprehensive listing of universities and colleges in Canada. Also contains scholarship and career information as well as virtual tours of selected schools.
FASTWEB (if going to the US for school) = offers scholarships for the USA and other countries
Talk to your parents and/or relatives – they may be members of a club or organization, or their employer may offer awards to family members.
Your Employer - see if the company you work for offers scholarships.
Each University or College = Check out the different scholarships and bursaries offered at the colleges/universities you have applied to. Take note of the application deadlines! These vary from school to school. All universities offer entrance scholarships based on your average. Check those out!!!
TEMPLATE that forces you to make a copy to organize your own scholarships:
Organization Template