Family School Liaison

The Family School Liaison Counsellor provides counselling, support and resources to students who are experiencing social, emotional and/or academic challenges in the school setting.

Some common topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Stress management
  • Self-esteem/self-confidence
  • Peer challenges
  • Healthy relationships
  • Mental health (ie. anxiety, depression etc.)
  • Attention/concentration
  • Bullying
  • Parent/child conflict

Resource Links for Youth

Need Help or Someone to Talk To

Access Mental Health - Contact Information

Anxiety Resources

Anxiety It's more common than you think

Addiction & Mental Health Options

Creativity and Your Mental Health

Community Education Service

Depression It's more common than you think

Exam Stress

Healthy Eating and Your Teen's Mental Health

Relationships What is Healthy and What is Not

Relaxation for Teens

Sleep Advice for Parents of Teens
